Lab Incharge: Professor Dr. Md. Zahurul Islam Sarkar, EEE
Telecommunication and Microwave Laboratory is one of the important laboratories in the Electrical & Electronic Engineering department. It is equipped with many modern and important materials that are essential to learning about communication and microwave systems.This laboratory has two sections: one for undergraduate students and others for postgraduate students. The main instruments and devices of this Laboratory are Satellite system kit, Oscilloscopes, AM transmitter, and Receiver kit, FM transmitter, and Receiver kit, Television kit, Antennas, Signal generators, etc. The laboratory is also equipped with some high-speed computers for simulation-based works. Students can familiar with modern communication systems from their experimental works in this laboratory.
Course conducted in this Lab.
EEE 3118: Communication Engineering-I Sessional
EEE 3218: Communication Engineering-II Sessional
EEE 4118: Radio & TV Engineering-I Sessional
EEE 4182: Digital Communication Sessional
EEE 4282: Microwave Engineering Sessional